
CommunityConnect students working together on a project that combines art, science, collaboration, and language-building skills .

CommunityConnect students working together on a project that combines art, science, collaboration, and language-building skills .

CommunityConnect (formerly known as LLL) is an after-school and summer academic enrichment program for English as a New Language Learner (ENL) students in grades K- 5 who live in the Rhinebeck and Red Hook Central School Districts. For most of our students, English is not the primary language spoken at home. The goals of the program are to enhance language, writing, and other academic skills, promote confidence, address achievement gaps, foster interpersonal and social relationships, and nurture a sense of the child’s and family’s belonging in the school and local community.

The schools identify students to participate in CommunityConnect based not only on their language or academic skills, but also on how they would benefit from tutoring and the connections made with their peers and our tutors. Program activities include homework help, reading aloud, writing projects, art activities, math practice, outdoor exploration in nature, and cultural celebrations. Our volunteers are from Bard College and Rhinebeck and Red Hook high schools, and often stay with the program over multiple semesters. The program helps students and their families to become fully engaged in the school and local communities.

CommunityConnect is a warm and lively community of young people and their families. The program began in 2005.

About Laura Selicaro, CommunityConnect Program Coordinator

Laura Selicaro has worked extensively as an educator and holds a Master’s in Interdisciplinary Art Education from the University of Barcelona. She has a background in education and architecture and has designed many museum exhibits for children, as well as developing curriculum and administering outreach programs for inner-city schools for the National Museum of Art in Barcelona. She also taught art to elementary school students for the With Flying Colors program at Chancellor Livingston Elementary School in Rhinebeck. Laura lived for many years in Spain and has traveled and worked abroad in South and Central America. Spanish is her first language.

Please contact or text or call us at (845) 379-4725 if you are interested in learning more or wish to volunteer.

CommunityConnect (anteriormente conocido como LLL) es un programa académico extra-escolar y de verano para estudiantes de ENL en grados K-5 que viven en los distritos escolares de Rhinebeck y Red Hook. Para muchos de nuestros estudiantes, ingles no es el idioma principal hablado en casa. Los objetivos del programa son para mejorar idioma, escritura y otras habilidades, para aumentar confianza, ayudar académicamente, y fomentar relaciones sociales y nutrir un sentido de pertenecer para las familias de la comunidad escolar y local. 

Las escuelas identifican estudiantes para participar en CommunityConnect basado no solo en sus habilidades académicas o de idioma, pero también en como podrían beneficiar de tutoría y conexiones hechas con sus compañeros y nuestros tutores. Actividades incluyen ayuda con tarea, lectura en voz alta, proyectos de escritura, actividades de arte, practica de matemática, exploración de la naturaleza, y celebraciones culturales. Nuestros voluntarios son de Bard College y de las escuelas secundarias de Rhinebeck y Red Hook y a veces quedan con el programa a través de varios semestres. El programa ayuda a los estudiantes y sus familias a comprometerse en las escuelas y en las comunidades locales.

CommunityConnect es una comunidad cálida de jóvenes y sus familias. El programa empezó en el 2005.

Acerca de Laura Selicaro, Coordinadora del programa CommunityConnect

Laura Selicaro ha trabajado por mucho tiempo como una educadora, y tiene un Master en Educación Interdisciplinaria de las Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona. Laura tiene conocimientos en la educación y la arquitectura, y ha diseñado varias exposiciones de museos para niños. También ha desarrollado planes de estudios y ha administrado programas escolares para el Museo Nacional de Arte en Barcelona. En adición, ha enseñado clases de arte para estudiantes de primaria con el programa “With Flying Colors” en la escuela Chancellor Livingston en Rhinebeck. Laura ha vivido muchos años en España y ha viajado y trabajado en Sudamérica y Centroamérica. El Español el su lengua materna.

Comuníquese con o envíe un mensaje de texto o llámenos al (845) 379-4725 si está interesado en aprender más o desea ser voluntario.

CultureConnect Summer Art Program

Each summer students work together to explore weekly themes around art and to share their projects with their families and other students. Laura Selicaro, our Program Coordinator, is an art educator, and she has created project ideas and videos that she's shared with students and their families. CultureConnect provides the supplies and suggestions, but the students make it their own. We're excited to share a few of their pieces here on themes such as water color, paper sculpture & collage, pointillism, and nature art and poetry.